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Karpaty vs Shakhtar: Pitmen's comments

Friday, August 12, 2016



The Donetsk team players reflect on their win agaisnt Karpaty

Marlos, Shakhtar midfielder: 

– These are the most important and hard earned three points in a difficult struggle with strong opponents. We did not start out well, conceding two goals, but we had 45 minutes remaining to change something and make a comeback. We were able to calm down and show our kind of football - powerful and high quality one. I would like to note that the Lviv team looked very purposeful - it was not easy for us. It's hard to explain why we could not manage some things at first. We created scoring opportunities, but unfortunately could not convert them. I think this match shows that Shakhtar is on the right track. We are still in the process of transition, but I believe we will continue winning. We have not had the best of times: we were unlucky in the Champions League qualification. But we will go towards our goal. I should add that today the whole team worked real hard for this win.

After the half-time, we mustered our strength and showed what being Shakhtar is. We managed to win owing to dedication and mutual understanding
Viktor Kovalenko, Shakhtar midfielder:

– These were the most difficult three points. In the first half, you could say that Karpaty outplayed us, and scored two goals. They had more desire, more fervour, and we were not ready for this. After the half-time, we mustered our strength and showed what being Shakhtar is. We managed to win owing to dedication and mutual understanding. It's a good thong that we managed an early goal in the second half. All three goals were beautiful. It does not matter who scores, what matters is who wins.