Favbet Puma SCM

20 years of Presidency

Tuesday, October 11, 2016



Exactly 20 years ago, they took a decision which changed the Donetsk Club’s future forever – on October 11, 1996, Rinat Akhmetov became the President of Shakhtar

At that moment, the new, most impressive and most successful era in the Orange-and-Blacks’ history kicked off. Great ambitions, inexhaustible energy and intuition, coupled with passionate confidence in the team and a great love of football, enabled Rinat Akhmetov to achieve incredible success! The president was never afraid to dream and always infected the people around with his enthusiasm. When he said that Shakhtar would be the champions of Ukraine, the sceptics did not believe him, but now the Pitmen’s collection features nine sets of gold medals. When he set the objective of winning a European club cup, many people thought it was impossible, with the Donetsk team becoming the UEFA Cup Winners in 2009. The same year, the International Federation of Football History and Statistics (IFFHS) named Shakhtar the most progressive Club of the 21st century. Rinat Akhmetov promised to build in Donetsk the best stadium in the world, and it seemed to be a pipe dream, but these days the true diamond Donbass Arena brightens the capital of the Donetsk region.

Two components will always remain to be the main indicators of the team’s sporting success. Firstly, the titles. Over 20 years of Rinat Akhmetov’s presidency, Shakhtar have won 26 trophies, ranking among the most decorated football clubs of the new millennium. Secondly, the recognition by the fans. Millions of people in the Donbass, in Ukraine and around the globe love the Pitmen for their mining character, for the spectacular and tasteful football, for vivid emotional experiences that the Donetsk team gives to all of us. Without this support, the success would have been impossible!

The players, coaches, veterans, employees and a huge army of Shakhtar’s fans greet Mr. Akhmetov on this milestone anniversary and wish him sound health, inexhaustible energy, new sporting and life achievements and, most importantly, peace, welfare and happiness. We strongly believe that FC Shakhtar and their President will enjoy many more spectacular wins, prestigious trophies and glorious achievements!

FC Shakhtar Donetsk