Favbet Puma SCM

Tankovskyi: There's a surprise in store for us yesterday

Thursday, January 19, 2017



Shakhtar midfielder told about the peculiarities of the training camp in Spain, looking forward to the first match and a surprise from the coaching staff

- Viacheslav, what is your impression of the training camp’s opening days and what’s your focus in the training process?
- For the first three days, all training sessions involved mostly ballwork. Then the coaches started to gradually introduce some running drills. From session to session they increased intensity and workloads. Of course, after a holiday it’s always hard to get back on track. But we didn’t just idle our time away while on vacation, still exercising and keeping fit. That’s why we feel just fine now.

The first friendly is scheduled for the very last day of your Spanish training camp. Isn’t it a bit unusual?
- I think that during the first week we will focus on our fitness training, and only then the mid-season games will follow. So we currently train in a two-sessions-a-day mode, go to the gym, and will round it off later with a friendly. After spending a month without football, everyone’s missing the games, willing to take to the pitch asap.

- Yesterday, the team got half a day off. Have you managed to recover and how did you spend the time?
- We had a training session in the morning, with everyone getting ready for the afternoon session, but at lunchtime a surprise awaited us: the coaching staff cancelled the session and gave us some free time. In such a busy training mode, this virtually equals a day off. In the afternoon we went to the sauna, recovered and rested. Everything else was in line with the schedule.