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I’d like to score, but winning is more important

Monday, November 2, 2020



Shakhtar midfielder Maycon answered reporters' questions at a press conference on the eve of the UCL game Shakhtar vs Monchengladbach

- What are the opponents’ strengths and weaknesses? And what do you generally expect from the encounter against Monchengladbach?
- I expect a difficult match. We know very well that they are a highly qualified team. The players love to bring the ball behind the defenders’ backs, they also have some other advantages. We analysed Borussia’s play, we will try to show our own game. The clash won’t be easy because both opponents need to win in order to feel secure in the competition.

- Does the current leadership hinder Shakhtar? What’s the mood in the team?
- We have played in just two rounds, and it's too early to say anything. Everyone perfectly understands how strong the group is, that it will be necessary to try really hard to advance from it. It’s necessary to psych ourselves up for each match as for the last one. Everything in football is changing very quickly, and only after the 6th round it will be possible to sum it up.

- You scored your debut goal for Shakhtar against the German club. How much can this help in the game against Monchengladbach?
- Of course, I remember that goal, it always evokes some warm memories. But tomorrow it’s important that the team win! Of course, I would like to score a goal against Borussia, but winning is more important. My goal will mean nothing if Shakhtar fail to win. We aim for a positive result, and it doesn't matter who scores actually.