Favbet Puma SCM

I saw the list and got stunned

Tuesday, May 18, 2021



In an interview to Shakhtar News, the midfielder Heorhii Sudakov spoke about training with the national team, his impressions and endurance tests

- We’re glad to see you in the national team! Does the call-up to the national team mean a lot to you?
- Sure it does. It’s even unexpected. First of all, this is an incredible experience because the national team cap is a dream, I guess, of all guys, no matter the age. Especially in case of my age – I’m the youngest.
- Did you expect this call-up?
- No, I didn't expect it at all. I saw it on the website, on Instagram. First, the club administrator approached me and told me to fill out a questionnaire. I didn't understand it first, but then I saw the list on the Internet and got stunned.

- What are your first impressions after two days of work?
- The training sessions are interesting, I really like them. The coaching staff includes some Italians, the incredible level, the top level. Everything is explainable. And most importantly, the intensity is very high. It seems that there’s nothing special about this training, but after a couple of days you feel some pleasant fatigue.

- You’ve been training two times a day.
- Right, at the club we train once a day, and probably spend a little less time on it. It wasn't that intense. While in the national team, we get serious workloads. Plus we had tests in the morning, so we got enough of it.

- You ran in the last test with the head coach Andriy Shevchenko.
- Right, Andriy helped me. I was the only one left there, and he urged me on.