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I want to be even more useful for Shakhtar

Tuesday, March 21, 2023



Shakhtar defender Mykola Matviienko commented on signing of a new contract with the club

– Mykola, you signed a new deal with Shakhtar. What does it mean for you?
– I have been in Shakhtar for more than 13 years, and for me it is not just a club, but a big family where I grew up, became a professional footballer, a player of the Ukraine national team. This team and this club are very important for me, so I want to be even more useful for Shakhtar.

– Today you are one of the most experienced players in young Shakhtar team. Do you feel additional responsibility and desire to help the club during this period?
– Responsibility in club like this is borne by everyone and it is always very high. Being a part of Shakhtar means pride and privilege, but also serious level of commitment to the fans. I will continue to do everything to justify the trust of the club management and our fans.

– You joined the Academy of the Miners in 2009. How have the team changed since then and what is the key to Shakhtar's success in your opinion?
– Many things changed: team, club, our lives in general. But what has always been there is the mentality of winners. Shakhtar want to win in every match and in every tournament – this is the key to the success and achievements of the club.

– What personal ambitions do you have for the next 5 years and what would you like to achieve with Shakhtar?
– Ambitions are the same: get better every day and help the team to win!