Favbet Puma SCM

The beginning of the second preparation stage

Friday, July 12, 2024



Shakhtar women’s team began the second stage of the training camp

On Friday, July 12, Shakhtar women’s team began the second stage of the training camp at the Academy facility in Shchaslyve. The girls will prepare for the new season in the mode of two-time training sessions with a gradual load increase until August 1.

The morning drill began with an intense running warm-up with an emphasis on moves and development of athletic abilities. The coaching staff then offered the field players a series of exercises aimed at moving and improving skills, while the goalkeepers, under the leadership of Dmytro Shutkov, worked on reaction and play in goal. In total, the session lasted 90 minutes and ended with dribbling exercises.

Oksana Henyk, defender:

– Today's training session was a combined one, with an emphasis on speed and dribbling. We successfully completed the first preparatory cycle and started the second training camp in a good mood. Unfortunately, the heat affects the body, which makes it harder to exercise. However, we recover during the break between morning and evening drills.

– How would you summarize the first training camp?
– The first preparation stage for the new season consisted of a set of introductory exercises aimed at getting fit technically and physically. At the end of the first stage of the camp, a small-sided game was held so that the coaching staff could have complete information about our physical conditions and assess the trialists.

– The team started the second preparation cycle for the new season. Tell us more what the training process will be like and what the main emphasis is on?
– It is clear that the morning training will be focused on the development of speed qualities, and in the evening, attention will be paid to work with the ball and tactics. In general, the loads will only increase, which will allow us to start the season in good form.

– Oksana, sum up the results of the previous season and tell us about the goals and tasks you set yourself for the new one.
– We had a pretty good season. Of course, I would like to take higher spots in the tournament table. Currently, the team are being formed, the new girls need time to get used to each other, but I hope that we will be able to achieve better results in the new season. As for my own goals, it is still too early to say, but I hope to make further progress.