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Rinat Akhmetov received the Emmy Award

Friday, June 14, 2024



Shakhtar president was awarded an honorary statuette for the series about the club

FC Shakhtar president Rinat Akhmetov met with Volodymyr Mula, the director of the documentary series Football Must Go On telling the story of Shakhtar’s performances during the full-scale war in Ukraine, in Kyiv.

During the conversation, they talked about the creation of the series and how the story about the most difficult year in the history of Shakhtar is perceived in the world. Of course, they also talked about the great international success of the film – winning the Sports Emmy Awards. Volodymyr Mula presented Rinat Akhmetov with this prestigious award.

Rinat Akhmetov, FC Shakhtar president:

– I want to thank Mr. Volodymyr for this award. He worked with the team for an entire year, told the whole world about Ukraine, about how the enemy attacked us, about the spirit and courage of the Ukrainian people, about the resilience of the Ukrainian people. I am very grateful for that, because he did a good and big thing.

Volodymyr Mula, director of the documentary series Football Must Go On:

– I am very glad that this historic award will be preserved in the collection of FC Shakhtar. Because it is not a personal award, but an award for the entire project, which illustrates the events happening in Ukraine very well. This series is not only about sports, but about the lives of the people who are staying in the very difficult conditions. And thanks to the maximum support of FC Shakhtar, we managed to tell the world about the war in Ukraine through the prism of sports, we managed to once again draw the world’s attention to Ukraine, Ukrainians and to what is happening here from the big stage of the Emmy Awards ceremony – this is the most important thing. This award is another victory of Ukraine. And I am sure that thanks to this we are one step closer to our great victory, which we all dream of.

As a reminder, the Sports Emmy Awards ceremony took place in New York on May 22.

The four-episode film Football Must Go On from Paramount+ won in the Documentary Series category. Ukrainian viewers can watch the Football Must Go On series right now on the MEGOGO platform.