Favbet Puma SCM

Shakhtar was a competitive team

Sunday, June 16, 2024



Head coach of Shakhtar women’s team Roman Zaiev about the results of the season, the competition format and the team’s plans

– We prepared for the start of the 2023/24 season very responsibly and, as always, set maximum tasks for ourselves – to fight for the top places. We accomplished the first one – to get into the top six, but the spring part was not as successful for us. There are several reasons. Firstly, a large number of injured players, who are crucial in building up of the team play, and a short bench caused the entire burden of responsibility to fall on the shoulders of young players. Secondly, I do not want to talk about refereeing, but there are a lot of questions about the certain moments. In the matches against teams who fought for the European Cup zone, the penalty was awarded with almost every opponent. I can provide a lot of video evidence, where the interpretation of decisions had a rather biased nature. This contributed to the loss of points, and in the end, we have two victories over Ladomyr and a draw with Kolos, but we can take credit for any game of the spring part, because no team had mediocre matches with Shakhtar.

– This year’s Vyshcha League had a format with division into two sixes, and Shakhtar finished in the competitive group. Did you like such division?
– All the changes in the format of the championship are aimed at raising the level of domestic competitions, as well as the level of the national team in the international arena. I have nothing against it, but, in my opinion, the teams of any six – either the first or the second one – have to enter these sixes with golden points in matches between each other, then high scores with other teams become irrelevant. I am for dividing, but for the teams to reach the sixes with golden points in the games between each other, and not with the total number of gained points.

– What was the most memorable victory and the most painful defeat of Shakhtar in this season?
– The victory over Vorskla was the most memorable, because the team was the champion of Ukraine and had not lost in the last two years. It was Shakhtar who managed to defeat them, so it was a significant event for us. As for the defeat, it is hard to say which one was the most painful, because all of them affected the overall team performance and are a component of our analysis and work of the players. All defeats are painful, so it is difficult to choose one.

– During the season, Shakhtar players were within the line of sight of the coaches of the national teams of Ukraine. Is this a result of their professional growth?
– I want to note that Shakhtar was a competitive team throughout the championship. In order to achieve certain results, our performers have to compete with the national team players. If they succeed, the coaches of the national teams pay attention to them. Being a player of the national team is primarily a motivation to be among the best. Motivation adds integrity and diligence in work, which leads to professional growth, it is an axiom.

– What do you know about the future plans of the team?
– The team is officially on vacation from June 3. On July 1, the girls will gather at the base, and the team’s medical examination is scheduled on July 3. We hope that the leading players will join us after the injuries and we will start preparing for the new season. The coaching staff is staying in touch around the clock and is working on the preparatory cycle programme.