Favbet Puma SCM

The most beautiful moment!

Sunday, May 12, 2024



Head coach of Shakhtar Marino Pusic shared his impressions after the victory over Dynamo (1-0) and winning the title at the post-match press conference

– How can you describe your championship feelings now, since you became the champion of Ukraine for the first time as a coach? And are you satisfied with the game of your team in general?
– Yes, this is the first time I won the trophy in Ukraine. It is very special and means a lot to me. Especially when I remember how we started, what situation the team was in, our programme during the European Cup campaign, which we did pretty well, and how we competed in the Ukrainian League. Like I said, this championship has very tough competition, people underestimate this moment. There are a lot of teams that are able to play good football, so I am tremendously proud. Firstly, I would like to thank my family, because they support me all the time, they gave me the opportunity to be here and win this championship. Thank you all! Secondly, I would like to thank my colleagues, our coaching family, who made tremendous efforts in such a difficult time for the country and under such difficult circumstances. Thank you! And without good leadership none of this would have been possible. Everything always starts from the top. I would like to express my special thanks to the president, who always supports me, to directors Serhii Anatoliiovych Palkin and Darijo Srna, who brought me to Shakhtar – they gave me confidence at that moment and supported me every second. Without their leadership, this would not have happened, so I am very grateful to them for allowing us to be champions today. I sincerely thank our fans, knowing the conditions in which the club has to work, how the country has to survive, these people are just amazing. We want to dedicate this title to our fans and all people in Ukraine. Thank you for having me!

And last but not least important point. I want to thank everyone who works in the club and makes fantastic effort. I also thank all my players. We have an amazing squad that showed character in difficult situations, played fantastic football and worked hard. I have already told the players, now I will share it with you: for me they are heroes. Thank you!

– Congratulations on the title! After your triumph in the Ukrainian League, do you already imagine how you will watch the final of the Champions League, because it is very important for Shakhtar?
– Thank you for the question. We depend on the final game between Real Madrid and Borussia. As I understood, if Real Madrid wins, we will advance to the Champions League group stage, which would be a fantastic achievement for us. I think we deserved to be there, not only in view of our performance in the championship – Shakhtar club itself deserves it. That would be fantastic! We have already shown in the European campaign that with this squad we can compete with very good teams. I am looking forward to this final and performances in the Champions League with my players.

– Congratulations on the title! You became champions in the classic Ukrainian derby against Dynamo. You personally have a lot of experience of such games. Did you specially prepare the team for this derby?
– Yes, I did. The experience stays with you, and it is very important, because this is a very special match. Derby itself is a very specific game: a lot of tension, a lot of emotions. But in addition to such circumstances, we had even more energy and emotions, because we had something to lose, unlike the opponent. We played to decide the game quickly, which we did with the goal. We were thinking all the time about whether to attack more or defend... I know that in such moments you have to choose one option, you cannot act in two directions. Then I felt the energy on the pitch, understood what my team needed and decided to play for the result, because it is important. It is possible to beat the opponent with their own weapons – a good defensive structure and transitions. We did it well in the second half. Then the feeling of what you need to do in the game in order to win helped a lot. It was not about beauty anymore, we needed a result. You all know that I love the beautiful game, always try to score one more goal – and it will always will be like that. But I have some experience in the title races, and in such matches, it is all about structure, organisation, choosing good moments. Thank you for the question. Yes, experience helps a lot.

– Tell us, please, who was the most fun in the dressing room now? Maybe singing, dancing the most or doing something they have not done before?
– It is always a special moment when you enter the dressing room and see this amazing squad, amazing players, people with whom I worked every day. A wonderful moment when we raised the trophy together with our captain Stepanenko and celebrated together. There were many beautiful emotions, unforgettable moments. Actually, this is the most beautiful moment for an athlete – to win a trophy, to raise it and hold it above you, feeling that you have finally achieved something special.

– Will you let the guys celebrate now, given that the final of the Ukrainian Cup is ahead?
– Of course, this is a fantastic achievement – we became champions, but we are not done yet. We will have an important game soon. For me and for the whole club, this is an important moment. We are really looking forward to this match and want to win this trophy as well. I always tell my players that they have a day to celebrate, no matter what match is ahead. After that, you have to focus on the next game. We will celebrate for 24 hours, and then everyone should be ready for the next meeting. We also want to win this title.