Favbet Puma SCM


General rules for purchasing and using tickets and rules of conduct at the stadium

Please read the Rules carefully.

By purchasing, owning and using a ticket, you confirm that you have read the Rules, that you understand and agree with them, and that you give your consent to bring them to the notice of others.

Terms and definitions

In the Rules, the following terms have the meanings indicated below, unless the context suggests otherwise.

Ticket is a document confirming the ticket holder’s entitlement to attending the event and accessing the stadium on the event day (the date and time are specified on the ticket). Depending on the sales period, tickets of a certain price category are available with indication of seat numbers.

Official site shakhtar.com is an official web resource on the Internet enabling you to receive ticketing information and to purchase tickets.

Tickets section tickets.shakhtar.com is an official web resource on the Internet enabling you to receive ticketing information and to purchase tickets.

Stadium is the building, complete with external security perimeter behind the metal fencing, indoor premises, football pitch and spectator stands.

Order means tickets that the buyer intends to purchase or has purchased in the Tickets section on the official site, with the relevant ticket information available in the personal account, including the quantity, prices, and the amount to be paid, etc.

Ticket holder is a person holding a valid ticket.

Events mean the events held at the stadium.

Personal account is the buyer’s personal section on the official website, allowing usage of the provided ticket services (purchasing, receiving information about tickets, ordering them, etc).

Force majeure circumstances mean extraordinary and unavoidable circumstances, which include (including but not limited to) natural disasters (flood, earthquake), civil unrest, fires, explosions, war, uprisings, strikes, weather conditions, acts of terror.

Official sales points mean all authorised FC Shakhtar sales points where tickets are sold, including the Tickets section of the official website.

Personal data means any information related to a certain individual determined on the basis of such information, including their last name, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth, address, etc.

Buyer is a person who intends to order and/or has ordered from FC Shakhtar and paid for one or several tickets.

Visitor is a person who arrived to view the event and entered the stadium using a ticket through the dedicated entrances, where tickets are checked.

Identity card is a document proving the identity of its holder (original passport or other document conforming to Ukrainian legislation). It is mandatory to have the holder’s photo in the document.

FCS (FC Shakhtar) means Football Club Shakhtar Donetsk.


1. How the citizens residing outside Ukraine can purchase tickets.

1.1. The individuals residing outside Ukraine can purchase tickets on the official site of FC Shakhtar.

1.1.1. To register on the official site of FC Shakhtar, the buyer must provide the requested personal data. By registering, the buyer gives their consent to receiving newsletters (including advertising ones).

1.1.2. By registering and providing their personal data, the buyer:

a) also consents to the inclusion, storage and further processing of their personal data in the FCS personal data bases and/or transferring them to the FCS partners for inclusion, storage and further processing in order to ensure the possibility of order processing and delivery of tickets;

b) confirms that he/she was notified in writing that their personal data were transferred to Shakhtar-Service LLC and/or Shakhtar Trading LLC, as well as about the purpose of collecting their personal data: ensuring the possibility of order processing and ticket delivery, the establishment of communication by those persons with fans of FC Shakhtar Donetsk;

c) confirms that he/she, being the subject of personal data in the sense set in the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data", was notified in writing* of their rights in connection with the inclusion of their personal data in the above personal data bases.

1.1.3. By confirming the order, the buyer agrees to purchase tickets in accordance with the Rules, and also agrees to accept and fully comply with the Rules.

1.1.4. The maximum number of tickets to the event that are available for purchasing within the order, may be limited to the number set by the FCS. The information on the maximum number of tickets available for purchasing is published in the Tickets section on the FCS website. In case the number of tickets or sessions exceeds the maximum possible, the FCS is entitled to cancel the relevant order. When placing an order, the buyer must plan the event attendance time taking into account the match schedule. Schedule can be changed at any time. The current version of the match schedule is available on the official site of FC Shakhtar.

1.1.5. FCS is entitled to reject ticket purchasing if there are grounded reasons to believe that tickets are purchased for resale.

2. How the citizens residing in Ukraine can purchase tickets.

2.1. The individuals residing within Ukraine may purchase tickets in accordance with clause 1.1.

3. Ticket price & payment.

3.1. The dynamic pricing system is used (the value changes depending on the demand). Ticket price is the price valid at the time of purchase. The nominal value of tickets is set by the FCS in hryvnias and specified on the FCS official site. The nominal value includes all applicable taxes, but does not include the cost of ticket delivery service. The club reserves the right to change prices during the sales period.

3.2. The buyer must pay for the order within the period set by the FCS. Otherwise, the FCS is entitled to cancel the corresponding order.

3.3. For payment, you can use international payment systems Visa / Mastercard / Maestro.

3.3.1. Before paying, the buyer must make sure that the issuing bank of their Visa / MasterCard / Maestro payment card allows making payments online using this card.

3.3.2. The buyer is responsible for the availability of sufficient funds to pay for the order at the time of the transaction.

4. Receipt of tickets.

4.1. Tickets purchased on the Shakhtar FC website will appear in the buyer's personal account or will be sent to the e-mail address specified during registration.

4.2. It is not necessary to print tickets, it is enough to show them from a mobile device during check.

5. Tickets.

5.1. To attend the event, all ticket holders (visitors) must have a ticket to the event.

5.2. Children under 4 years of age (upon producing a document confirming their age) may attend the event without a ticket, not occupying a separate seat in the stand; minors over 4 years of age can attend the event only with a ticket.

5.3. Ticket holders (visitors) are responsible for the tickets in their possession. Damaging the ticket, changing or defacing it may result in the denial of access to the stadium.

5.4. If the ticket holder (visitor) leaves the stadium after the event kickoff for any reason other than emergency evacuation, he/she may be denied re-access to the stadium. By decision of the FCS, the ticket holder (visitor) has the right to re-enter the stadium using the same ticket to the event if he/she left the stadium through one of the entrances specifically provided for this purpose and with ticket checks carried out.

5.5. Ticket holders (visitors) must keep their tickets throughout the event and produce them at the request of the stewards, the stadium security staff and the FCS staff. Failure to fulfil this requirement may result in denial of access to the stadium or a request to leave the stadium.

5.6. Reasonable and lawful requests of the stewards, the stadium security staff and the FCS staff are binding for visitors.

6. Transfer and resale of tickets.

6.1. The tickets purchased not in accordance with these Rules and/or not at the official points of sale are invalid and may be confiscated. Stadium access to the visitors producing invalid tickets is prohibited. However, the ticket price is not refundable.

6.2. Ticket sales, offering tickets for sale (including ticket sales promotion), free distribution for advertising purposes, exchange and other use for profit or other material or non-material benefits, the use of tickets for organizing lotteries and other gambling games, as well as other alienation of tickets by methods not expressly provided for by these Rules and Ukrainian legislation (with the exception of giving them as a gift) are prohibited without prior agreement with the FCS and/or other persons authorized by the FCS, being illegal and entailing responsibility stipulated by the legislation.

6.3. The positions equipped for people with disabilities should be used for their intended purpose and cannot be transferred to third parties. At the stadium entrance, the administration have the right to request a certificate of disability (the document number and full name should correspond to data on the ticket) from the ticket holder (visitor). Contact us via support@shakhtar.com to clarify information on getting (buying with discount) of tickets for people with disabilities.

6.4. Tickets purchased separately and tickets purchased in a package may be used only by a buyer. If necessary, a buyer can give the purchased tickets as a gift in accordance with clauses 6.4.2.

6.4.1. Personal data in a ticket cannot be changed.

6.4.2. The purchased tickets are transferred by a buyer free of charge.

6.4.3. The fan's account, from which the tickets were purchased in violation of the rules, will be blocked without the possibility of purchasing tickets for the next FC Shakhtar matches.

7. Ticket refund and renewal.

7.1. Tickets are cannot be returned or renewal.

8. Delayed, postponed or cancelled event.

8.1. The event may be delayed, postponed or cancelled. The FCS will take all possible measures to inform the ticket holders about changes in the event schedule of events. Ticket holders are advised to check for changes in advance: the information about them will be posted on the FCS official site.

8.2. In the event of delayed or postponed event, tickets will be considered valid for attending the relevant event and are not exchangeable.

8.3. If the event is cancelled, the ticket holder is entitled to a refund of its face value.

9. Responsibility.

9.1. When attending the event, the ticket holder (visitor) is responsible for their own safety and the safety of the children they accompany.

9.2. The ticket holder (visitor) is solely responsible for the actions associated with attending the event, including their personal travel, accommodation, meals, etc.

9.3. The ticket holder (visitor) must arrive at the event taking into account the duration of an extensive check at the stadium entrance, which is carried out in order to ensure the event security.

9.4. Neither the FCS nor any other party involved in the event organisation is responsible for the failure to fulfil any obligation set forth in these Rules if the cause of such failure is force majeure.

10. Personal data.

10.1. The FCS ensures the safety of ticket holders’ personal data. The personal data provided by the FCS ticket holders will be used, processed, stored and transferred by the FCS in accordance with the current Ukrainian legislation and the “Regulation on the Principles of Processing and Ensuring the Personal Data Security”. The FCS guarantees compliance with legal, technical and organizational measures to protect personal data from unauthorized disclosure, access or use, accidental or unauthorized loss, damage or destruction.

10.2. By purchasing a ticket, the buyer agrees to the personal data storage, processing and transfer.

The stadium ground rules

1. In the stadium, it is prohibited to:

1.1. Disturb public order and violate these Rules.

1.2. Enter the stadium in a state of alcoholic and drug intoxication.

1.3. Independently move from the area indicated on the ticket to another area of the stadium along the outer, inner perimeter, or inside the stadium without special permission or instructions from the steward.

1.4. Throw any objects onto the stands, football pitch, at the spectators, and match participants.

1.5. Enter / run onto the football pitch, the dressing rooms of players, referees, match delegates, the premises for officials and VIP boxes, other special premises of the stadium.

1.6. Use open fire and fireworks regardless of their type and purpose.

1.7. Wear and display signs and other markings of fascist or racist nature, banners or markings with provocative content.

1.8. Spread propaganda and campaign inciting social, racial, national or religious enmity.

1.9. Take any political action whatsoever.

1.10. Perform any actions that may cause aggression or provoke a conflict.

1.11. Allow the actions that demean or offend human dignity.

1.12. Chant obscene or offensive slogans, to show offensive gestures, and to use threats and intimidate other spectators, as well as match participants.

1.13. Discriminate against football players, coaches, referees, officials and spectators on national or racial grounds.

1.14. Stand during the event in the aisles, by the entrances and exits, on the stairways, making it difficult for visitors, personnel, and event participants to move around.

1.15. Stand on the chairs, to climb fencings, blockings, and load-bearing structures of the stadium.

1.16. Smoke

1.17. Do harm to any property, including the property of footballers, officials, and spectators.

1.18. Make any inscriptions or drawings, to place flyers with any content, stickers with any images on the walls and other structures of the sports complex / stadium.

1.19. Come to the stadium with animals, including fish, insects and birds, with the exception of guide dogs.

1.20. Use professional photo and video equipment.

1.21. Use emergency communication, manual fire detectors without any need.

1.22. Trade, to distribute in any way products of advertising, souvenir, political, religious, nationalistic and racist nature.

1.23. Watch the event in a standing position (excluding the fan stand).

2. Visitors to the stadium MUST:

2.1. Observe public order and abide by these Rules.

2.2. Show tickets, season tickets, invitations, accreditation passes, passes for vehicles to enter the stadium’s parking lots, and, if necessary, an identity document and other documents giving access to the stadium to the stadium employees allowing admission to the stadium.

2.3. Occupy their seats in the stadium stands according to their tickets, season tickets.

2.4. Inform representatives of the security service, stewards, law enforcement officers and other persons responsible for ensuring law and order, about the individuals who break these Rules, about the committed or possible violations of the rule of law, about the suspicious-looking individuals in terms of possible wrong-doing.

2.5. Not leave the children unattended.

2.6. Immediately report to the administration, security service personnel, stewards about finding any suspicious items, smoke or fire.

2.7. Upon finding any unattended objects, documents or other items, to inform the stadium personnel about that.

2.8. Respectfully treat other spectators and participants of a football match, as well as the persons providing security and serving the event.

2.9. Treat with due care the property of stadium and clubs (teams) participating in a football match.

2.10. Leave in the storage room any oversized items and/or the items which are not allowed into the stadium area. Any item exceeding the dimensions of 25 x 25 x 25 cm is considered oversized.

2.11. Show respect to national anthems, flags and other identity of states, UEFA, FIFA, UAF, PFL and clubs.

2.12. Fulfil the requirements of compliance with these Rules communicated by stewards and security staff.

2.13. In the event of evacuation alert, to act in line with the evacuation signage and the stewards’ instructions or the public address system instructions, observing calm and not causing panic. It is forbidden to use lifts during evacuation.

In case of using any medical devices (heart pacemaker, remote control for on-body sensors etc.), the visitor must notify a steward accordingly.

3. It is prohibited to bring into the stadium:

3.1. Narcotic or toxic substances.

3.2. Alcoholic or soft drinks in any package.

3.3. Weapons of any type and items that can be used as weapons.

3.4. Stabbing or cutting items.

3.5. Items that can be used as projectiles: cane umbrellas, helmets, bottles, cups, jugs or jars, including cans, other items made of glass or any other fragile or breakable material, polyester, hard objects, as well as empty or full Tetra Pak-like packaging, other packaging, rolls and a large amount of paper.

3.6. Smoke pots, flares, Bengal lights, firecrackers and other fireworks.

3.7. Dyes.

3.8. Fire-hazardous, flammable, explosive, poisonous, toxic, chemical and strongly smelling substances.

3.9. Radioactive materials.

3.10. Gas or any other aerosols.

3.11. Laser devices.

3.12. Oversized items exceeding the dimensions of 25 х 25 х 25 cm. For safety reasons, the administration can deny visitors carrying bags, packs, rucksacks etc. of any size access to the stadium, allowing them to hand in the above items to storage room.

3.13. Horns, vuvuzelas, drums, loudhailers and any other similar items, audio and video recording devices, professional photo and video equipment, special webcasting appliances.

3.14. Flags, colour cloths and banners larger than 2 x 1.5 m, flagpoles with a length exceeding 1 m and a diameter exceeding 1 cm.

3.15. Advertising and commercial materials, as well as materials containing racist, xenophobic, political or religious propaganda.

4. Visitors are entitled to:

4.1. Enter the stadium upon producing one of the following documents:

4.1.1. Event ticket.

4.1.2. Season ticket.

4.1.3. Invitation.

4.1.4. Accreditation pass of the type set by the administration / event organizer.

In the event of losing a season ticket, an accreditation pass, an invitation pass or any other document authorising entry to the event, the holder must report it on +38 044 498 13 88 or 0 800 300 314.

4.2. Bring one child under four years of age free of charge (who will not occupy an individual spectator seat).

4.3. Bring into the stadium banners or flags of a size not exceeding 2 х 1.5 m, made of incombustible materials and attached to flexible hollow plastic poles which are not larger than 1,500 mm in length, 50 mm in diameter and having the wall thickness of no more than 1 mm.

4.4. At the stadium entrance, all the visitors acknowledge the right of the staff to search any person and their personal belongings (bags, backpacks, banners etc.) to ensure safety and to keep the forbidden items off the stadium.

5. Stadium enclosure designated for away fans.

5.1. Should the administration receive information from the away team officials that their club declines any responsibility for the away fans, the administration may deny such club’s representatives access to the stadium.

5.2. For security reasons, the security service is entitled to demand that the away fans:

5.2.1. Move into the area designated for the away fans if their seats happen to be located in the area accommodating the home fans.

5.2.2. Hand their club colours in to the storage room should their seats be located in the home fans’ area.

5.3. Should the home fans purchase tickets for the seats located in the away enclosure, for safety reasons the administration is entitled to:

5.3.1. Move the fans to other blocks in the stadium depending on seat availability.

5.3.2. Deny the fans access to the away enclosure and to move them to a different place without refunding the ticket price difference.

6. Liability for breaking the Rules:

6.1. Should the stadium visitors break these Rules, refuse to follow a steward’s requirement to abide by any one of the Rules, or cause resistance, the administration can apply the below measures entirely at their discretion:

6.1.1. Ejecting them from the stadium without any further refund of the ticket price, season ticket or a parking pass.

6.1.2. Temporarily suspending (for a certain number of games) or fully cancelling the following documents:

- a season ticket belonging to the spectator who violated the present Rules, without any further refund;

- a parking pass without any refund;

- an invitation or accreditation card of due standard, which allow access.

6.1.3. Suspending them from visiting the stadium.

6.1.4. Should the law-enforcement officers withdraw any match tickets, which were purchased using season tickets, from the person who touted them, the administration is entitled to cancel such season tickets without any refund as well as deny their holder and people involved in resale purchasing more season tickets and attending the stadium. The administration is also authorised to cancel the tickets offered by third parties for resale through unofficial channels and websites without a further refund.

6.2. Enforcing compensation for the damages caused to the stadium property is carried out in accordance with the effective Ukrainian legislation.

6.3. The administration declines all responsibility for the items left unattended.

*Rights of the personal data subject

According to Art. 8 of the Law "On Protection of Personal Data", the personal data subject has the right to:

1) know the location of the database, which contains their personal data, along with its purpose, title, and the location of its owner or manager;

2) receive information on the conditions for granting access to personal data, in particular information on the third parties their personal data – which is contained in the personal data base – is communicated to;

3) access their personal data contained in the relevant personal data base;

4) receive the answer – no later than 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the request, except for the cases provided by law – about whether their personal data is stored in the relevant personal data base, and also to receive the content of their personal data stored;

5) submit a reasoned demand with objection to the processing of their personal data by state and local authorities in the exercise of their powers as provided by law;

6) submit a reasoned demand for the change or destruction of their personal data by any owner or manager of this database, if the data are processed illegally or are unreliable;

7) protection of their personal data from unlawful processing and accidental loss, destruction, damage due to deliberate concealment, failure to provide or untimely provision, as well as protection from providing information that is inaccurate or harms the honour, dignity and business reputation of the individual;

8) apply for the protection of their rights regarding the personal data to state and local authorities, whose powers include the exercise of personal data protection;

9) apply remedies in case of violation of the personal data protection legislation.

Important! Spectators must strictly comply with the rules of conduct at the stadium, including during an air raid alert.

After announcement of an air raid alert, all spectators must go to the shelters following the instructions of stewards or (in case of refusal to stay in the designated shelters of the Arena Lviv) immediately leave the territory of the stadium.